A 5/1 Volleyball Formation [pdf]

A 5/1 volleyball formation.

diagram of a 5/1 volleyball formation

A 4/2 Volleyball Formation [pdf] [html]

A simple 4/2 volleyball formation with a right-side set. (The PDF version is recommended.)

diagram of a 4/2 volleyball formation

Magic the Gathering Deck Box with Dice Compartment [png]

A deck box for Magic the Gathering. It prints onto an 8.5x11 sheet of cardstock.

template for a Magic the Gathering deck box with dice compartment

Singer 15-91 Manual [pdf]

I have a fifty-year-old Singer 15-91 sewing machine. The machine is in great condition; the manual, however, is falling apart, so I recently scanned it. Warning: The PDF is about 200 MB.

I’m assuming Singer does not mind me sharing the manual in this fashion. If they do, I’ll remove the link.

front page of an old manual for a singer sewing machine

A Journey on the Appalachian Trail [html]

The record of a northbound hike of the Appalachian Trail during 1998.

a map of the appalachian trail